We are all about the highest quality!

We distribute products from only trusted suppliers

Quality and the organic guarantee

We sample and test the quality and taste of each product before we consider adding it to our offer and distribution. It is our priority to visit the farms and manufactures of our suppliers as often as possible to check the conditions under which the production takes place. We do not want to offer our customers products from unknown sources. We are constantly working on shortening the logistical cycle, to buy products directly from their source - this ensures the quality and freshness of the product, as well as best possible price for our clients and less waste for the environment. Whenever possible we source the products from local growers and producers, in order for our business to be more environmentally friendly and to help the local market to thrive. However, many products are not available in our market, and those we import from their country of origin to give our clients a wide selection of highest quality products.


For it is crucial that every product branded as organic, BIO or ECO has an organic certificate issued by specialist organisations and recognized by the European Union. This is important, as organic products are free from chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides or growth hormones and antibiotics. They are also free from genetically modified organisms (GMO) and substances such as artificial preservatives, colorants, and taste or smell enhancing substances.


Organic produce is characterized by its delicious taste and health benefit of pure nutrients. Organic fruit and vegetable come from plantations where biodiversity is key to keeping soil fertile. Animals are fed organic feed only and have plenty of room to live and roam in the fresh air.


So why should you choose organic? Because you are what you eat!